We've had a busy year at our makerspace! In the post below we've highlighted some of our achievements.
Our community has come together to work on a very nice upgrade to how we store our tools. Rather than hidden away in boxes on a high shelf, we now have most handheld power tools available on our brand new Tool Wall, built across many fun sessions by people of all experience levels working together. Thanks STUD for sponsoring this project!
The long-awaited kitchen upgrade has been finished, meaning we now have proper storage and running water! Thanks New Future Lab for the cooperation with getting the running water to our space!
We now have a dedicated area for working with ceramics, including a working surface, throwing wheel and a kiln in a fire-safe enclosure. On the table is also a 3D printer that works with biobased paste materials.
We've completed a huge cleanup and upgrade of our storage space in the basement. We now have custom-built heavy-duty shelving and dedicated spots for efficient storage of sheet material and stick-like objects.
This was the second time a Maker Faire was organised in Delft, and of course we as a makerspace feel right at home there. We worked closely together with the TU Delft Science Centre where it was hosted. Our area provided a very fun opportunity to many of our makers to share their creations and working methods with hundreds of people. We also organised a community project where dozens of visitors worked together to build and decorate a wooden train which then did a tour around the festival. It was a great success! For more photos, visit the Maker Faire Delft website.
We also had a stall at Maker Faire Eindhoven this year again. This provided a nice opportunity to do some networking with other makers and their communities across the country.
In December, we organised the Make Sale at KD Lab. This was a wonderful evening where the people of Delft and surroundings had the chance to meet local makers and see the wide variety of their creations.
Thank you all for 2023 - we're very excited for what's to come in the new year!
You can join our makerspace as a volunteer or as a paying user. See our Membership page or just send us a message using the button below!